QOTD – 2020-10-25

Integre hassen Intrigen

Those with integrity hate intrigues

Les intègres haïssent les intrigues

Rupert Schützbach *4.12.1933 Passau-Hals

A character of integrity is righteous and honest. He says what he thinks and he thinks what he says. This does not mean that he is naive in the face of evil in the world. Rather, this personality shows backbone and moral courage where others do not dare to openly take and defend their point of view. If a person of integrity feels compelled to fight, he does so openly and sincerely. He does not play a double game and renounces deceitfulness. He refrains from actions that belong to the nature of an intrigue, which seeks to achieve a certain goal at the expense of others through lies and disinformation spread subliminally. An integrity human being speaks plain language opposite a coworker or a colleague, if there was criticism at a expiration or a feedback in things problem-official quality of work. This happens with all clarity, but still in such a way that the opposite party can save face and learn something from the feedback. Intrigues attract – like lies – further dirt. Once one has gotten involved in such a cowardly tactic, the evil game has no end. Who wanted to do this to himself?