Another terrible video I’ve been busy all week I just put this together for some fun hopefully it doesn’t scare everybody away have a laugh sit down sit back and relax and enjoy the ride I can’t fart a musical note but I was bored and I just wanted to put out some content no matter how mediocre it is I’ll be back podcasting soon and I hope everybody has a lovely weekend ahead stay cool amigos! #BoBurnham #JoeRogan #Song #WalkInThePark #LifeIsShit #CocaCola #Pepsi #RedBowl #JapaneseOlympics #That’sFunny #Twitter #Facebook #YouTube #Instagram #Crush #Godzilla #FestivalFilm #Useless #NeverSingAgain #EuroCup #Sunset #SantaCruzSkateboards #Nike #Sombrero #SpecializedBikes #Exercise #BadMusic#IPromiseIWillNeverSingAgain. #Inside #Outside #StuckInMyHead #TimeForBed #StarryStarryNight #Picasso #Rembrandt #Tango